

We love this time of year! Summer vibes, friends, family, parties, connections, champagne and delicious food.
It’s all good to celebrate, but do you really want to let your year of hard work go, in the space of a few short weeks?

It’s important to allow yourself to relax and enjoy the fun and festivities without the pressure of being perfectly on point with your health and fitness.
One-off indulgences are not the problem, it’s the continual high-calorie intake, endless alcoholic beverages, way too many poor food choices and lack of exercise that can set you right back.

Love your body. Make it a priority to maintain regular workouts. Get the family out for a big walk.
Join our Urban Warriors Program through Summer and enjoy time-effective workouts that you can do anywhere across the globe! Start the new decade feeling fabulous, fit and fierce!

ALCOHOL – Keep It Real??
Plan ahead and aim to have several alcohol-free days each week. Drink plenty of water every day and avoid high-kilojoule sugar-filled mixers such as juices and soft drinks. Don’t forget how calorie intense cocktails can be. Choose wisely.

You’re always 100% responsible for what you choose to eat. Be aware of the snacks you’re consuming such as cheese, biscuits, dips, nuts, chocolates, cakes and desserts. Enjoy these treats in moderation without indulging day after day.
Continue to nourish your body with quality protein and whole foods. Don’t rock up to events starving or dehydrated.
Your body and mind will thank you for it.

Plan your day and your week. Know the events you’re going to drink at, plan your workouts and schedule them in as non-negotiables.
Have your healthy snacks and meal prep sorted. It’s extra important this time of year to have a balance of healthy nutrition so you can enjoy the fun and festivities without going overboard or spiralling out of control.

Can be done in a number of ways. For example – 12hour fast: 7pm-7am, 16hour fast: 6pm- 10am. It isn’t for everyone but it’s a great way to balance and manage your calorie intake. If you have a big lunch on, you could fast (water only) until lunch then only consume a very light dinner.

If you want to thrive and not just survive, Join Urban Warriors and feel sexy from the inside out this Summer.

Remember to always be kind to yourself.
Merry Christmas Warriors,
Big Love Kylie & Shelley

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