1. Walk up to the bar with total focus.
2. Standing shoulder width apart, mid-foot under the barbell.
3. Spread the floor with your feet. Pushing your big toe, small toes and heels into the ground like a tripod.
4. Engage your body from bottom up – quads, glutes, core.
5. Bend over (hip-hinging) and grab the bar shoulder-width grip.
6. Bend your knees until your shins touch the bar. Pull your shoulders into the back pockets and take the ‘slack out of the bar’ – you will hear and feel the click.
7. Every muscle in your body is now locked and loaded.
8. Lift your chest up, straighten your lower back, head is in a neutral position.
9. Take a big breath in, push the floor away and pull the bar weight up into your standing position.
10. Breathe out while you’re squeezing every muscle! Locked hips and knees.
11. Lower the bar and go again!
A deadlift is a full-body movement. You must be in tune with your body and build a strong foundation
first. If you’re doing it right, you should definitely feel it more through your posterior chain – think hamstrings, glutes, the erector muscles along your spine, and your back muscles.
I love coaching my clients to feel strong and confident on the gym floor with correct form.