


Speaking as recovering perfectionists, we’ve learnt that it doesn’t serve us. This is a topic we covered this week in our coaching call with our ‘Fit Body Fierce Mind’ (Amazing) Online Warriors.

Perfectionism is a learned behaviour that we can change. Somewhere in our past, possibly in school or from our family, we learnt that if we’re not perfect then it’s not worth it, we don’t even try and instead we hold ourselves back. Either not starting, not completing or quitting at the first sign of adversity.
It’s absolutely crazy when we think about it because this type of behaviour and mindset will not help us to grow.

When it comes to our health, if we are continually trying to be perfect, stopping and starting, or worse case quitting, we are never going to move forward.
Success in anything comes through consistency, doing the little things day after day, building our resilience and creating new habits.

Remember, our past does not define us.
Be mindful of your language. Stop yourself if you start being negative about yourself or saying things, for example ‘oh, I have ALWAYS been like this’ or ‘I’m just not good at….’
This indicates that you can’t change, when in fact the power lies within you to change every second of the day.

Be Kind To Yourself.
When we’re talking about our health and fitness, we’re in it for the long game! It’s all about doing the best we can with what we’ve got.
Staying consistent and never giving up.
Progress Not Perfection.
You’ve got this Warrior!

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