

If you’re someone who is on a fat loss journey trying hard to lose those stubborn kilo’s you have probably heard a Personal Trainer say something along the lines of it being simple maths – ‘calories in vs calories out.’
You must burn more calories than you consume. You must be in a calorie deficit.

But what does that really mean?

Calories IN can be easily tracked using an App such as My Fitness Pal. While this is not perfect, we are not looking for perfection, we are simply looking for consistency.

Calories OUT is calculated by your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE)

What makes up your TDEE?

?BASAL METABOLIC RATE (BMR)- the amount of energy (calories) your body uses if you lay in bed all day without moving. Your basic body functions to keep you alive. Eg, breathing and heartbeat.

What is really interesting is that our BMR accounts for approx 60% of the calories we use in a day!!

?NON EXERCISE ACTIVITY THERMOGENESIS (NEAT) this is the energy (calories) we use when we are not sleeping, eating, or exercising. It’s the movements we make without intention. Eg, fidgeting, standing, cleaning, hanging out the washing, or walking the dog.
This accounts for approx 25% of the energy we use throughout the day.

?THERMIC EFFECT OF FOOD (TEF)- the energy your body uses to digest and absorb food. Protein is the macronutrient that induces the highest TEF

?EXERCISE – Moving your body with intention. Eg, lifting weights, running, walking, yoga, group fitness classes, playing sport etc…

Calories out is your Total Daily Energy Expenditure which equals BMR, NEAT, TEF and Exercise.

It can be tricky trying to navigate this on your own. It’s important to have a coach to support you with which method will work best for you and your individual needs.

Let Urban Warriors help you to fast track your results and remove all the confusion and overwhelm.